...to my weekend! *my husband is taking me away to celebrate our anniversary!!! *my husband bought me 2 memory cards...AND Kea gave me the other one back!!!! *Kreatorville is featured here and here!!! AAANNNNNND HE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK The Deuce is loose again!!!! To recap: we were loving Deuce as a Saint; Saints got rid of Deuce; Deuce is a Saint again!!!!
....I took my memory card out of my camera to upload some pictures into the computer. Our printer has slots for the memory card to be pushed directly into it...takes away the necessity of plugging the camera itself into the computer. ANYWHO, I guess I'll learn ONE day not to leave something SO IMPORTANT around Kea...my memory card? MIA!!!! I feel like I might stop breathing. I took some GREAT pix of us at the park yesterday. I wanted THOSE specific pictures to complete my layouts using the January Kreatorville Kraft kit; I....NEED....MY...MEMORY....CARD!!!! Lesson learned: an extra battery is not all I need to maintain my sanity. So, since a blog post is not really complete without a picture...here ya go:
....voracious readers!!! One of my Christmas gifts from my husband was a gift card for Barnes & Noble. Now, anyone who really knows me KNOWS that I could NEVER have too many books! But, since we had just made a trip to Border's a few days before our Christmas celebration, I didn't feel like a trip to Barnes & Noble too (too much sunshine for a homebody like me!) So, I decided to check out the online offerings from B&N....and I'm SO glad I did!!!! I ended up with THIRTEEN books for $60!!!! They LITERALLY have over 23,000 books right now on sale for $3.99 or under! There's NO WAY I could go through them all (it took me three hours to go through the first 1,000!) but I still feel like I got an awesome selection-a LOT of fiction, some inspirational, a health guide and a what-to-eat guide for kids. The greatest part is that any order over $25 ships free!!!! Check it out!