I'm having a pretty good week! I logged on this morning and found out that I won the Clearly Yours challenge at
Dreamgirls!!!! I'm SO stoked!!! This is the layout that won:

Also, I DID get to finish quite a few of the challenges I wanted to do last week:
This one is for
Gutter Girlz.

The challenge was easy because I immediately thought of how I feel when people tell me how much weight I've gained...as if I didn't ALREADY KNOW, IDIOT!!!
I got two done for challenges over at
Tally Scrapper (LOVE those peeps!!!). This first one is for the Survivor group I'm in (and hopefully I STAY in for the duration this time!)

I scrapped about my "new" look...scarves and hats! This going natural process is just taking SO long! The second challenge at Tally was to scrap about something that gives you butterflies but it couldn't be a man or woman...so I chose LITTLE men and women!!!

I love babies SO much...I don't know if I love 'em enough to give hubbs another as he's requesting but that's a post for another day!
I finished a layout for the joint challenge
Category Stories and Tally are having. The challenge was to scrap something you love. BAY BAY!!!!! Next to God and my guys, I love me some FREE ME TIME!!!! I DID get some Sunday. John took the boys to the movies. I was running around like a chicken, though. I was trying to cram everything in before they got home. Anywho, here's my LOVE layout:

The last challenge I did a layout for was Pencillines (I'm NOT on crack...the mojo is just flowin' right now! ) This is the layout I did based on last week's sketch:

(I only have about 3,000 more of these beach pix to scrap!)
I need some scrappy help! So, I've been investing in these:

Michael's sells them for $35 but they were doing a promo last week where they gave you a 50% off coupon with your receipt. I always try to use the coupons on the most expensive thing I need and these were it! But, buying them made me realize I only own this much cardstock:

I KNOW, I KNOW...shocking and sad! I have lots of patterned paper...just very little cardstock. So, when Hobby Lobby had the 50% paper sale last week, I got what I could. Now, I have THIS much cardstock:

IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH...I'm a HOARDER...what am I gonna do with THAT?!?!? So, can somebody tell me where to get the cardstock deals? Our Michael's only sells Bazzill by the sheet and Hobby Lobby sells only TWO different packs of American Crafts cardstock and only the Bazzill shaped cardstock. Anyone who can help me out will get some scrappiness from me!!
I'll leave you with some peeks of the projects I've completed for Buzz and Bloom.

Make sure you check out our projects all our projects
here...there is greatness to be seen!!! Later!