20 October 2008

so much CRAPPANIN!!!

(That means so much crap happenin'!) My mom's birthday is today. Because I cherish each chance to be with her because she was so sick a few months ago (more on that in a minute), hubbs and I decided to drive with the littlest boy to Baton Rouge to take her and my dad to lunch. We're riding along, minding our own business when a piece of concrete flying up and cracks our rear window into a MILLION pieces! So, instead of spending $60 on lunch with mom, we spent the day and $250 getting the window replaced...if I was a little more ghetto, I would have duct taped a garbage bag to that window and kept rolling! bay-bee, if I was still cursing, I would insert some expletives here to make your neck hairs curl! But, I woo-sai and keep rolling!

At the end of April, I got a phone call telling me that my mom was in the hospital in Mobile, Alabama and that we needed to get there immediately. My mom was a principal and she and my dad drove to Atlanta for her job interview. On the way home, mom started feeling badly so she and my dad figured she was hungry. She vetoed burgers in favors of Kentucky, which HAPPENED to be down the street from the hospital. She passed out in KFC. When she came to, she told my dad that she was still feeling badly so he called an ambulance. My mom's heart stopped in the ambulance and again in the emergency room. They determined that a blood clot broke free from her leg and traveled to her lung. She required surgery and her heart stopped a third time. By the time we arrived at the hospital, she was stablized but in a coma. She had blood flowing from her nose, eyes, ears and mouth. The doctors told us that she probably wouldn't survive through the night. GOD is so so awesome though!!!!! She had to retire earlier than she intended but she's doing well. So, Saturday was her "Celebration of Life". These are a few pix from her day:
My mom's cake

My littlest guy with my 92 year old Grandmother Dorothy
My brother, Sean Michael, sister Arianne, Mom, me and my sister Raashand
We ALWAYS gotta do the prison pose!

The next day hubbs and the littlest dude and I did the Race for the Cure (breast cancer). Between the party and the race, I worked for 9 hours. You can look at my eyes and see how whipped I was...but I'm glad we did the race!My hubbs' friend Zeno, the littlest dude and the MAN!

KREATE something beautiful this week!

13 October 2008

Thank You, Mr. Columbus

Thanx to Columbus (Day), I get a three day weekend from the drudgery...Columbus is among my fave five right now! I feel like a deer caught in the headlights though...so much I'd like to accomplish but I would need about seven MORE days off to get 'er all done! I went to sleep like normal people last night which felt great! Can't get used to that because I have to go back to work Wednesday night. Anywho, I woke up around 1:30 and completed a few pages:
This layout is for a challenge over at TallyScrapper. I always complained about my small boobles until I started thinking about the alternative: NO boobles or death. I'm grateful for the continued health of my two little girls!Today we're supposed to take the boys to the park to take family pix! Since we have a SENIOR, he HAS TO have about 35oo pictures taken before he graduates (isn't that a rule?!?!) So, while I'm snapping him I've ENCOURAGED (grrrr!) the rest of my guys to join in the fun! Hopefully I'll get to upload those pix tomorrow! OH! My great scrappy news is that one of my layouts will be featured in the November Rusty Pickle newsletter...GREAT birthday present! So, when it comes out, holla at cha girl and let me know what you think! Kreate something beautiful today!

08 October 2008


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Keandra Perkins-Willis

Meet the last of our guest designers for October, Keandra Perkins-Willis...
My name is Keandra Perkins-Willis and I was born, raised, ran from and returned to New Orleans, Louisiana! I am the wife of John (who actually prays to God each night for continued creativity for his wife...how sweet is THAT?!?). I am the mother of six children: three from my womb (Jamani-17;Ahmad-12; and Keanohn-10 months) and three who came with my husband package (Aaron-21;John Jr.-20; and Engela-17). In my alternate life I'm a postal worker but my dream is to grow up to be Heidi Swapp!

You can check out more of Keandra's fabulous work HERE.

Thanks to our fabulous designers!!! Tomorrow I will start posting some pages that customers have created-they rock!!!

I just clicked on the Kraft Girl site and this is what greeted me...tell me THAT doesn't make ya feel all GOOOOD inside! All KINDS of good things happening right now! The new camera that hubbs ordered for me came a few days ago and i'm in love with the thing! i HATE my sony cybershot! i think it may have been ME...it just wasn't the camera for me! the canon powershot G10 is better for me; it treats me right and is consistent. i don't have to wonder if this shot will be blurry or too dark. now, sony, you did look out for me SOMETIMES so i hope you find another photographer to make happy...we just don't click. i NEED the canon in my life...sorry!

We took the littlest boy to the Children's Museum for the first time yesterday. I was really curious to see how he would react because he's never been around another kid his age before...he really COULD NOT care less! Hubbs and I were like, "Noonie, we paid for this membership to expose you to other children and some kiddie culture!" His face was like, "If I cared, I would thank you!" Anywhoo, his dad and I had fun! Here's some pix with the NEW CAM from the Children's Museum:
When I grow up and become less blog challenged, I'll be able to do these posts without all the white space and some interactive thingeys...i LOVE looking at blog pros whose posts say stuff like "you can view her work here" and you just click on the yellow here and you're directed to another site...tha BOMB!!!! anyone who wants to send me a tutorial on how to do this would ALSO be tha bomb! i'll leave you with a page i did for the survivor challenge at tally scrappers...they RAWK! Check back SOON...I got great news today from a MAJOR craft company!

03 October 2008

Kraft Girl Kreator

I was chosen as the October Guest Designer for Kraft Girl Kits (go Kea, not ya birthday, still go ME!) I really love the challenge of creating with a kit...sometimes I LIKE being told what to do and what to do it with! And can I just get real for a minute? Who DOESN'T love having someone send you free craft goodies?!?!? I really kreated a lot with this kit (AND I rawked it...if I may say so myself!) The great thing is that I STILL have some papers/embellies left...how freakin' great is that?!?!? Thanx again, Pam for the opportunity! I'll leave you with the looksies of my kreations! Kreate something great this weekend!


I mean, does anyone really care that I'm up 2:40 in the morning scrapping when I should be asleep or at LEAST cleaning? Do you care that the little boy JUST zonked out after having quite an evening? Is it funny to you that said little boy (who will turn 11 months on the 12th) called 911 this evening and gave me the best laugh? I wonder if you do. I've put off starting a blog for so long because I've often wondered who cares. The other reason is that I'm a major procrastinator! But, that's a story for another day sometime in the future! I hope someone does care and that I don't end up bloggin' all by MYSELF!!! I'm gonna try to include the two latest layouts that I completed...not sure it will work since I AM technologically challenged AND it's almost 3 in the am!
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